Who says a traditional supper club can't be digitally savy? I have had a wonderful time working with Wiederholt's on their digital efforts. Their needs were to establish a regular cadence with social media postings and to focus on organic media.
I am proud to say, we have done just that! On average, we have raised their organic posting reach by 75% on every post since starting in Decemeber 2020.
This project includes creating a content calendar with the owners, disussing their needs, and then posting the content. I also took all the photographs and did the graphic design work for each post. I also decided to build up their website presence with social as well, by linking the posts back to origional blog posts or pages to increase web surfing.
I can't wait to see the success of their digital presence in the future!
Check out their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/wiederholts/ and stop in for a wonderful experience, great food, and my personal favorite their ice cream drinks!